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On Friday, November 21, 2014 7:56 AM, Barack Obama <info@barackobama.com> wrote:
Right now,
I want to tell you why I'm taking action on immigration.
There's no disagreement in Washington that our system is badly broken. That's why a bipartisan majority in the Senate passed comprehensive immigration reform. That was more than 500 days ago, but we're still waiting for the House to hold a vote. Every day we delay, our country and our economy suffer. Millions of families go on living in the shadows, without a chance to pay their taxes or do what's necessary to get on the right side of the law. So, just like every president in the last 70 years -- Republican and Democrat -- I'm taking steps in my power to help fix this broken immigration system. If you agree that we can't wait any longer for meaningful action on immigration, join Americans across the country, including supporters of OFA, who are standing up to fight for reform. Some voices in this debate want to make this issue about me, so I want to be clear about this: The actions I'm taking today are no substitute for comprehensive reform. Only Congress can finish the job. But I'm not just going to wait for that day to come. The American people expect solutions from the people they send to Washington. Today, I'm doing what I can to take common-sense steps forward. Add your name if you're ready to fight for reform: http://my.barackobama.com/Immigration-Reform Thank you, Barack Obama
On Thursday, November 20, 2014 6:47 PM, Organizing for Action <info@barackobama.com> wrote:
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