Friday, February 3, 2017

Trân trọng kính chuyển đến QUÝ VỊ và đồng bào thân thương thỉnh nguyện thư tiếng Anh chúng tôi đã gửi cho Cộng Đồng Quốc Tế ngày 01/02/2017:

Le Mercredi 1 février 2017 16h13, "Thi Le LE a écrit :

Trân trọng kính chuyển đến QUÝ VỊ và đồng bào thân thương thỉnh nguyện thư tiếng Anh chúng tôi đã gửi cho Cộng Đồng Quốc Tế ngày 01/02/2017:

- Kể tội ác của CSVN đối với dân và phản bội đất nước,
- Kể tội ngoan cố của CSVN bất chấp sự lên tiếng can thiệp của dân Việt Nam trong và nước nhất là cảnh báo của Cộng Đồng Quốc Tế,

- Kể tội CSVN bịp bợm, thường xuyên  lường gạt Cộng đồng Quốc Tế tuyên bố rằng Việt Nam không có tù nhân chính trị, tôn giáo mà chỉ có tù nhân hình sự,
- Yêu cầu cộng đồng thế giới tái can thiệp để ép CSVN phải tuân thủ Luật Pháp và các Công Ước Quốc Tế mà CSVN đã công nhận và ký kết,

- Nếu CSVN ngoan cố, yêu cầu trục xuất CSVN ra khỏi Hội Đồng Nhân Quyền LHQ, Hội đồng Liên Hiệp Quốc, A.S.E.A.N vì họ không xứng đáng đại diện tòan dân và quốc gia Việt Nam làm thành viên của các tổ chức này và cắt đứt mọi liên hệ ngoại giao và thương mại..với CSVN,
- Yêu cầu Quốc tế khuyến khích, bảo trợ thành lập một tân '' Chính Phủ Đòan Kết Quốc Gia Việt Nam " gồm các người có đạo đức, tài năng, liêm khiết, yêu nước thương dân, trong và ngoài nước thay thế Chính Phủ XHCNVN dối trá, thối nát, tham nhũng, tàn ác, khủng bố, dã man vô nhân đạo, phản quốc, bán nước hại dân tay sai Tàu cộng,

Yêu cầu QUÝ VỊ Lãnh tụ các đảng phái, tôn giáo, hiệp hội, đòan thể, thanh niên, sinh viên, học sinh và người Việt ái quốc, Luật sư, Nhân sĩ, Trí thức, Tu sĩ  trong và ngoài nước, vui lòng duyệt xét lại thỉnh nguyện thư, bổ túc các ý kiến cần thiết, trước khi QÚY VỊ tùy ý đồng ký tên cá nhân hay tập thể (PETITION) gửi cho cộng đồng thế giới đặc biệt các quốc gia xữ dụng tiếng Anh, Pháp đồng thời tùy nghi cho phổ biến rộng rãi trên mọi phương tiện : RADIO, TV, TẠP CHÍ, BÁN NGUYỆT SAN, ĐÀI TRUYỀN HÌNH v.v...trên truyền thông báo chí, các diễn đàn....và cho dịch ra nhiều thứ tiếng và mời gọi đồng bào khắp thế giới kể cả trong nước ký tên vào PETITION gửi đi cho các quốc gia tự do, dân chủ.

Mong rằng, các tổ chức Xã Hội, Dân Sư, truyền thông, báo chí và đồng bào trên khắp thế giới kể cả Việt Nam vui lòng tích cực cố gắng gửi liên tục lên tiếng, hành động, thỉnh nguyện thư, xin yết kiến, vận động Liên Hiệp Quốc, Lưỡng Viện Châu Âu, ASEAN,  các Thượng Viện, Hạ Viện, Chính phủ, Bộ Ngọai Gia, các Tòa Đại Sứ nước ngoài thường trực tại LHQ và Việt Nam, các tổ chức bảo vệ nhân quyền tự do tôn giáo  lên tiếng can thiệp :

- ĐÒI CSVN TRẢ TỰ DO CHO TẤT CẢ TÙ NHÂN TÔN GIÁO, CHÍNH TRỊ, DÂN OAN, BLOGGER, DÂN CHỦ HÓA VIỆT NAM (qua địa chỉ bưu điện, émail, website, fax điện thọai theo danh sách DH 103 LISTE mà chúng tôi đã gửi cho QÚY VỊ)

Chúng tôi rất khâm phục, ngưởng mộ, cãm kích, tri ân các cộng đồng người Việt tị nạn CSVN kết hợp với đồng bào thân thương QUỐC NỘI trên tòan lãnh thổ : VIỆT NAM, HOA KỲ, PHÁP, ANH, ĐỨC, ÚC, CANADA và các quốc gia tự do, dân chủ, đã đang và sẽ tích cực dấn thân đấu tranh cho Việt Nam sớm có NHÂN QUYỀN, TỰ DO, DÂN CHỦ, VẸN TÒAN LÃNH THỔ và các tù nhân nạn nhân CSVN sớm được tự do.
Kính mến,
Bs LÊ Thị Lễ



February 01, 2017

Your Holiness,
Her Majesty the Queen, his Majesty the King,
Mr. President,
Mr. President of the International criminal Court,
Mr. Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court,
Mr. Secretary General of the United Nations,
Mr. President of the European Parliament,
Mr. President of the Council of Europe,
Mr. Secretary General of the ASEAN,
Dear Prime Minister, Dear Minister,
Dear Member of Parliament,
Dear Ambassador,
Organisations Amnesty International,
Commissions on International Religious,
News Medias,
Ladies and gentlemen of the International Community,                                

We first wish to send our sincere thanks for the steps that you and all the International Community have undertaken these last years (unsuccessfully so far !) with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (R.S.V.N) to obtain the immediate release of all prisoners who had been fighting for the Rights, Freedom, Democracy and Sovereignty of their country.

To date, the R.S.V.N. is governed by a totalitarian regime with rampant corruption and oppression. This country is governed by barbaric and immoral laws. It counts numerous cases of arbitrary arrest, extortion of confessions by torture, massacre of political prisoners. Practicing one’s religion, or simply declaring a political opinion that is not in line with the communist regime leads directly to jail. Numbers of innocent citizens are imprisoned just because they ask for religious freedom, the respect of human rights and democracy.

For over 75 years, R.S.V.N has been mocking the international community by saying that there are no political or religious prisoners, and that human rights are respected. In reality, there are thousands of these prisoners in the R.S.V.N. At the same time, the R.S.V.N has been ceding some land and maritime borders to its powerful neighbor, China. If nothing is done, the current Communist leaders (irresponsible, corrupt and brutal) might be tempted to sell their country, which could become a "colony" of China (somehow like Tibet). This would definitely jeopardize any hope for democracy in Vietnam!

The R.S.V.N. despises your actions. It not only betrayed the Vietnamese nation but continues to flout, permanently, the Convention of Human Rights on Civil and Political Rights (even though it has signed it ..) and to ignore the most basic freedoms: freedom of the press, freedom of expression, religious freedom...

Therefore, we appeal once again to your intervention, which could take the following forms:

- Urge the R.S.V.N. to immediately and unconditionally release  all political prisoners and people imprisoned for religious reasons and, more generally, innocent citizens : Pastor NGUYEN Cong Chinh, Lawyer NGUYEN Van Dai, Engineer and Columnist TRAN Huynh Duy Thuc, Mrs. BUI Thi Minh Hang, Former Officer of the People's Army TRAN Anh Kim.. and people under house arrest like the Father Thadeus NGUYEN Van Ly, the most Venerable THICH Quang Do, Dr NGUYEN Dan Que….

The latest victim is NGUYEN Ngoc Nhu Quynh, a blogger who posts under the name of “Me Nam” (Mother Mushroom). The mother of two children, Quynh uses her blog to defend the Human rights and had written about the deaths of civilians in police custody in Facebook posts. She had also recently criticized the way the authorities handled a toxic spill from the Formosa Ha Tinh Steel Corporation, in the north central province of Ha Tinh, which causedthe deaths of thousands of tons of fish in April. Held since 10 October 2016, she is facing a possible 20-year jail sentence on a charge of anti-government propaganda.

TRAN Thi Nga, a blogger also known as Thuy Nga, who was arrested at her home in the northern province of Ha Nam on 21 January 2017. The mother of two children, Nga uses her blog to defend migrant workers and those whose land has been seized by the authorities. Accused of posting “anti-state” content online, she has been charged under article 88 of the penal code, which provides for sentences of three to 20 years in prison for “propaganda against the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.”

NGUYEN Van Oai, a citizen journalist who has been jailed in the past, was arrested on 19 January 2017 in the central province of Nghe An for allegedly resisting police officers and for leaving his home while on probation.Arrested in 2011 and sentenced to four years in prison plus three years of home surveillance under penal code article 79 (penalizing “activities aimed at overthrowing the people’s administration”), Oai was released in August 2015 on completing the jail term. Articles 79 and 88 are the two that are most often used to gag bloggers and online activists.

Citizen journalist NGUYEN Van Hoa was held incommunicado for more than a week after his arrest on 11 January 2017, with the result that his family learned only two days ago that he is in the regime’s custody and has been charged under article 258, which punishes “abusing democratic freedoms to infringe upon the interests of the state. Hoa recently covered protests against Formosa Ha Tinh Steel, a Taiwanese-owned steel plant responsible for a toxic spill that caused the deaths of thousands of tons of fish in April 2016.

- Insist that the R.S.V.N. respects its own laws and the international laws;
- exert pressure on the R.S.V.N. so that it allows a multiparty system and a real democracy (with free and general elections supervised by international bodies) and that it complies with the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" and the "International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights" that it has ratified.

If, despite your renewed intervention, the R.S.V.N could not prove any improvement of the fate of its citizens, the international community should then implement severe sanctions:

- Either prosecute RSVN  and the Vietnamese Communist Party with the International Penal Court of Justice at La Haye, the Penal Courts of Justice in Belgium, Afghanistan and Spain, either help the Provisional National Government of VietNam and the Committee for Prosecution of Crimes of War and Crimes against Mankind (included genocides), perpetrated by the Vietnamese Communists.

- See to the condemnation of this government and this party par the UNO Council of Human Rights, and the European Parliament.

 - Expel the RSVN from the UNO and the ASEAN, because of their non-application of the ‘ ‘‘UNO Charter’’.

 - Interrupt its diplomatic and trade relations with the R.S.V.N,

- Support the formation of a Government of National Unity in Vietnam (comprising the representatives of the 93 million Vietnamese residing in the country and abroad) to replace the current government, totalitarian, murderous and undemocratic. Given his acts of barbarians, his crimes and his defiance of the international community, the Government of RSVN does not deserve to remain a member of the United Nations or the ASEAN.

- The people of South Viet Nam formerly lived under the regime of the Republic of Viet Nam. This government respected human rights, freedom, democracy, and during 20 years offered the population in South Vietnam happiness and prosperity.

Let’s recall that the Republic of Vietnam had been offered the help of more than 200 countries from the free world (United States of America, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, Great-Britain …). The allied armies (USA, Australia, Canada, Thailand, Philippines …) and then valiantly fought and united their forces with the Vietnamese Republic Army, to fight against the international expansion of communism and communist atheism, particularly cruel and inhuman.

If the USA, France, UNO, European Parliament, Vatican, ASEAN and other countries had not abandoned Viet Nam and the Republic of Viet Nam to their own fate, the Communist International and the Vietnamese communists wouldn’t have transgressed the two Treaties on Vietnam (the Treaty of Paris, and the Treaty of Geneva). As a result, the Vietnamese communists and their comrades of the Communist International have illegally invaded South Viet Nam, causing much sorrow and savagely slaughtering millions of people in the North and South Vietnam, there being no reaction from the USA and the countries of the free world, particularly those who had signed these two Treaties.

For the USA, France, UNO, European Parliament, Vatican, ASEAN and for all the allies of the Republic of Vietnam, non would be the proper time to react, and help the Republic of Vietnam and the Vietnamese people. Taking appropriate measures, it would allow to enhance the prestige of the Republic of Vietnam, of the Free World countries, and bring back a climate of confidence between all these parties.

Should UNO, the European Parliament, Vatican, ASEAN and the countries of the free world not act rapidly, should they keep indifferent when facing these odious crimes, the Vietnamese people would then be extremely disappointed and absolutely downcast. This would be considered as complicity from the International Community, which implicitly would allow the continuation of the crimes perpetrated by the Vietnamese communist authorities, their inhuman brutality, arbitrary increase of terrorism, repression, torture, detention of innocent civilians and religious persecutions. This would mean that the International Community implicitly allows China to invade Viet Nam, with the complicity of the Viet Nam communist authorities. Let us warn the International Community about the dangers such a situation would induce: a continuous expansion of China, which would continue to invade the countries of South-eastern Asia (VIETNAM, LAOS, CAMBODIA, MYANMAR, PHILIPPINES, THAILAND, MALAYSIA, SINGAPORE, INDONESIA , SOUTH KOREA, JAPAN, INDIA, AUSTRALIA...), thus causing insecurity in the world.

Your help is highly valued. We hope that one day it will enable the Vietnamese people to live in dignity and Vietnam to become a civilized nation, free, democratic and part of the free world. We deeply rely on your understanding and kind attention.

Please accept, Your Holiness, Her Majesty the Queen, His Majesty the King, Mr. President, Mr. President of the International Criminal Court, Mr. Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Mr. Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. President of the European Parliament, Mr. President of the Council of Europe, Mr. Secretary General of the ASEAN, Dear Prime Minister, Dear Minister, Dear Member of Parliament, Dear Ambassador, Organisations Amnesty International, Commissions on International Religious, News Medias, Ladies and gentlemen of the International Community, the expression of our very respectful and grateful feelings.
- Dr LE Thi Le
Email :

- Pr NGUYEN Thi Hien
Email :

- Pr PHAN Thi Do
Email :

- Ing. QUYEN Nhan
Email :


Viet Nam: List of Prisoners of Conscience - Amnesty International

Inside Viet Nam's secretive and torturous world of 'prisons within prisons' latest/news/2016/07/the- secretive-world-of-viet-nam- torturous-prisons/


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